The spring continuancy review for graphic design concentration
students will be held on Friday, April 11, 10:00am, in VAB 116.
All students in the graphic design concentration must pass the
review to register for required classes beyond Graphic Design II.
Who's eligible?
You must be a currently-enrolled student or transfer, have
completed or given credit for all foundation courses and
ARTS 271 Graphic Design I, and have completed or be currently
enrolled in ARTS 370 Graphic Design II.
What do I submit?
10-12 examples of your best work. This must include 4-5 pieces
from foundation courses, and 4-5 from design classes. You are
encouraged to revise previous design class work. You may also
include 2-4 works from other studio courses and/or outside of
class (e.g. professionally-produced work). You may include 3D
Only digitally-oriented work (web sites, interactive) should
be submitted on disc (this is flexible).
How do I submit?
Your work should be contained in some sort of portfolio, case,
or folder that allows easy access. Portfolios must be delivered
to VAB 116 by 10:00am on April 11.
Anything else?
Please clearly label your portfolio with your name and include your
I.D. Number. Also, please indicate whether you intend to enroll
in the Summer or Fall Graphic Design III sessions.
How do I know if I passed?
Results will be posted and portfolios will be ready for pickup by
2:00p.m. the same day. Students passing the review will be cleared
to register before the end of the week.
I have another question!
See Robert McCullough, rmccullo@odu.edu, VAB 117.
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